The Ultimate Tummy Time Guide and Free Printables

The Ultimate Tummy Time Guide with FREE Printables!

As a parent, you’re likely OVERWHELMED with advice on how to care for your newborn. One recommendation you’ll hear the most, is the practice of tummy time. But what exactly is tummy time, why is it important, and how can you make the most out of this developmental activity? In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about tummy time for babies, from its benefits to practical tips and my top recommended products.

*Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I get a commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. The products that I advertise are the ones I believe in

The Importance of Tummy Time for Babies

By placing babies on their stomachs while they are awake and supervised, it helps strengthen their neck, shoulder, and core muscles, promoting overall motor skill development. This position also allows infants to practice lifting their heads, which is essential for developing head control and preparing them for reaching developmental milestones like crawling and eventually walking. Additionally, tummy time reduces the risk of positional plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) by varying the pressure points on the baby’s head. This activity also provides babies with opportunities for sensory exploration, as they can interact with their environment from a different perspective, enhancing their cognitive development. Regular tummy time sessions, starting from birth and gradually increasing in duration, can contribute significantly to a baby’s physical and cognitive growth, laying a strong foundation for their future development.

Tummy Time for Newborns (0-3 months)

-During the first few months of your baby’s life, tummy time should be short and gentle. Aim for 2-3 sessions per day, each lasting 3-5 minutes. Use a soft blanket or play mat on a flat surface. Place your baby on their tummy while they are awake and alert, but always supervise them closely. Some activities to try during this stage include:

  1. Face-to-face interaction: Get down to your baby’s eye level and engage them with smiles, gentle touches, and soft words.
  2. Rolling a ball: Place a soft, lightweight ball within your baby’s reach and encourage them to reach out and touch it.
  3. Tummy-to-tummy time: Lie down on your back and place your baby on your chest, allowing them to lift their head and strengthen their neck muscles.

Tummy Time for Infants (3-6 months)

-As your baby grows stronger, you can gradually increase the duration and intensity of their tummy time sessions. Aim for 3-5 sessions per day, each lasting 5-10 minutes. Encourage your baby to lift their head and explore their surroundings. Some activities to try during this stage include:

  1. Prop up toys: Place colorful toys or mirrors within your baby’s line of sight to encourage reaching and grasping.
  2. Tummy time with support: Use a nursing pillow or rolled-up towel to provide gentle support under your baby’s chest, helping them lift their head and shoulders.
  3. Singing and talking: Engage your baby with songs, nursery rhymes, and conversation while they are on their tummy to keep them entertained and motivated.

Tummy Time for Older Babies (6-12 months)

-By this stage, your baby will be more active and mobile. Tummy time can now incorporate crawling and other activities that encourage exploration and movement. Aim for 2-3 sessions per day, each lasting 10-15 minutes. Some activities to try during this stage include:

  1. Crawling practice: Encourage your baby to crawl towards toys or objects placed just out of reach during tummy time.
  2. Obstacle course: Create a safe obstacle course using pillows, cushions, and soft toys to encourage your baby to crawl and explore.
  3. Mirror play: Place a baby-safe mirror in front of your baby during tummy time to encourage self-discovery and engagement.

Tips for Successful Tummy Time:

  1. Start Early: Begin tummy time sessions as soon as your baby is a few days old, starting with short intervals of a few minutes and gradually increasing the duration as they grow.
  2. Make it Fun: Use colorful toys, rattles, and mirrors to capture your baby’s attention and encourage them to lift their head and engage with their surroundings.
  3. Incorporate Variations: Vary the surfaces and positions during tummy time, such as using a firm play mat, your chest, or even your lap, to keep your baby engaged and prevent boredom.
  4. Stay Engaged: Get down on the floor with your baby during tummy time, offering encouragement, smiles, and gentle praise to make the experience enjoyable for both of you.
  5. Be Patient: Some babies may initially resist tummy time or become fussy during sessions. Be patient and persistent, as consistency is key to reaping the benefits.

More Products I Recommend for Tummy Time

Tummy Time Play Mat

A soft yet supportive play mat specifically designed for tummy time can provide a comfortable surface for your baby to explore. Look for options with engaging patterns and textures to stimulate their senses.

Interactive Toys for Tummy Time

Choose toys that are easy for your baby to grasp and manipulate during tummy time. Bright colors, contrasting patterns, and gentle sounds can capture their interest and encourage reaching and grasping movements. At around 3 months old, my twins LOVED this Baby Einstein piano. It has the option to lay down on its side, so baby can play with it perfectly while on the floor. Its also SUPER sensitive to touch, and will make sounds by even the tiniest little hands. Here’s a few more products we used for tummy time:

Penguin Waddler

The musical toy with a built-in bell makes a soothing tinkling sound as it waddles along cutely, which helps to pacify the baby.

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Rotating Music Box

Wind up the rotating music box by twisting its red base and letting it spin on its bottom or on its side, playing the soothing melody.

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Geometric Rattles

As your children grow, encourage them to try new things with the three-piece toy set, and encourage them to do basic stacking and sorting activities

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Put-Stay Rattle Set

Each rattle has a sturdy suction cup that secures it to smooth surfaces preventing the toy from toppling over.

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Supportive Pillow

A specially designed tummy time pillow can provide additional support for your baby’s chest and arms, making it easier for them to lift their head and maintain the position for longer periods.

Boppy Tummy Time Prop

 Black and White Modern Rainbows with Teething Toys, Fabric, A Smaller Size for Comfortable Tummy Time

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Tummy Time Prop Pillow

This enables your baby to progress in a natural development. With this tummy time pillow, your baby can have a fun time with total comfort.

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Fawn Pillow

Hudson Baby travel neck support pillow is great for traveling with baby. This plush pillow is super comfortable and helps support head and neck.

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Croc Pillow

With a mustard teether, rings to soothe itchy gums, tactile textures, a small mirror, tags, and sounds.

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Tummy Time Mirror

A baby-safe mirror positioned in front of your baby during tummy time allows them to see their reflection, promoting self-awareness and encouraging them to lift their head and engage with their surroundings.

Montessori Mirror

Tummy time mirror with 3 setup options, this full-length mirror covers 5 crucial child developmental stages from 0 to 18+ months old.

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Busy Board Mirror

Sensory Discovery Toy Boat for Fine Motor Skill Development with Gears, Beads and High Contrast Prints

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Itzy Ritzy Cow

Tummy Time Mirror – Features Crinkle & Jingle Sounds, Multiple Textures and Mirror for Self-Discovery

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Piano ~Mirror

Tummy Time Toy Set for Babies: including tummy time mirror, crinkle piano play mat and teether.

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Tummy time is not just another task to check off your parenting to-do list; it’s a crucial activity that contributes to your baby’s physical and cognitive development. By following the tips outlined in this guide and investing in the recommended products, you can make tummy time an enjoyable and beneficial experience for both you and your little one. Start incorporating regular tummy time sessions into your daily routine, and watch as your baby reaches new milestones with confidence and strength.

FREE Printable’s for Tummy Time!

I’ve made some printables completely free to help enhance tummy time for both you and baby! I’ve included a chart for tummy time recommendations based on babies age, some high contrast cards for baby to focus on, and a list of some activities to try during tummy time with baby!

tummy time cards

tummy time activities

tummy time chart

If you need even more high-contrast cards for baby, I have a collection of over 50 printable cards all for under $4. You can find them in my Etsy shop, or though this link!

You can also find more of my FREE printables here!

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